Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So much's been happening to me this year... and its just only a month old.
First, calls from folks wanting me to 'settle down' and all... I've been receiving loads of calls from aunts and uncles telling me the same thing... 'Iwo omo yii, i jowo lo fe'yawo? When you are in that kind of corner, you'd better be diplomatic with the way you approach and answer such questions. The latest one that happened was two days ago. One of my aunts called to console me on the passing away of her younger sister and my favourite aunt B (love her to bits and its hurts so much) . We talked a little bit about everything, from how she fondly calls me 'Edu' and a couple of theories i can't seem to get my head around when popped up with 'the' question.
My reply: Ewo, mo ti ready bayi (I'm not ready at the moment)
Aunt T: Ki lode (What's the problem?)
Me: Its just that i have plans and marriage is not there at the moment...maybe later.
Aunt: WHAT??? (her husband heard that and grabbed the phone from her hand)
Uncle S: Ki lon so?
Me: Nothing, i'm just saying i will sort things out soon. ( had to call a spade an agricultural implement rather than its actual name)
Uncle: O je tete. So'fe ma ran'mo losi school at 60 ni?
Me: E ma worry... ma sort things out.
Uncle S: You'd better.

... and so the conversation ended.

I really don't understand what's with people and marriage. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its not a beautiful thing but then, i need to be ready and up for it first now. Abi?

See, I think why they are freaking out is that I'm like the only person not married amongst my friends that 'they' know ( I have 2, maybe 3 good friends(more like brothers) and they are all married now).

I am of the opinion that when the time comes, things will fall in place. I really i'm not in a hurry ...

just want to enjoy each day as it comes with its own share of happyness and pain; Joy and hurt; ... a lil bit of this and that which make us all exist.

When the time comes...

1 comment:

temmy tayo said...

My friend, make a honest woman out of the woman you are seeing now.

At the moment i rest my case.

Pot calling kettle black! lol