Thursday, February 01, 2007

Getting up early from bed can be a little hard
I sleep most nights at 3am but I’ve had to change that lately
Got work to do now and I can’t afford to be late
So as always, I’m awake…10 minute before my alarms starts
But I can’t bring myself to get out bed…will have to rest a little while longer
Till I have the strength I need...
To drag myself out bed
To get me towel and walk down the stairs
Can’t even put on the lights ‘cos it’ll sting my eyes
The reflection from the stair is all I need
10 mins and I’m out of the bath
Another 5 and I’m good to go
Walking down the street I say a lil prayer
I sure could use His strength and grace
It is a cold Thursday morning
But the breaking of the day tells me…
It’s definitely gonna be a lovely day


temmy tayo said...

It will be a good one, if u can drag ur lazy bum off the bed. lol

chidi said...

i agree wid temmy tayo

Confused Naija Girl said...

great poem but you do did to get up .LOL